From Rugby to Rounding up Cattle: Rob Wainwright’s Virtual Fencing Journey

Former rugby player Rob Wainwright left sports for farming on Scotland’s remote Isle of Coll, where Monil’s virtual fencing transformed his rugged operation, easing livestock management and supporting sustainable grazing.

Rob shares his experience with virtual fences from Monil.
Rob shares his experience with virtual fences from Monil.
Leah Plotz
Markedsføringssjef/Head of Marketing

In 1999, the Scottish rugby player Rob Wainwright made a dramatic life shift. He retired from rugby and his intense life as an army doctor. He packed up everything and moved with his wife, their four kids, and a caravan to a ruined farm on the remote Isle of Coll in Northwest Scotland.

“We didn’t plan on becoming farmers,” Rob recalls, “but the opportunity presented itself, and we’ve never looked back.”

Over the next 25 years, Rob grew his farm to include 80 cattle and 450 sheep, but the idyllic landscape posed unique challenges.

The remote and rugged beauty of the Isle of Coll, where Rob Wainwright began his journey into farming.

The struggles of traditional fencing

Rob is deeply committed to sustainability and biodiversity. Committing to grass-fed livestock was a given, but it has proven challenging on rugged, expansive land. Traditional fencing is a large part of conventional livestock farming, but keeping up was a constant battle, with high maintenance costs and the ever-present need for repairs. With physical fences stretching out for miles on so many acres, Rob spent countless hours tracking his cattle, especially during the calving season when the animals wandered into the island's hidden corners to give birth.

“There are a lot of nooks and crannies where the cows can hide,” Rob says. “I would spend hours just trying to find them.”

The limitations of traditional fences not only consumed precious time but also impacted pasture quality. With so many miles of fence to maintain, Rob sought a better way to manage grazing and reduce environmental strain.

Tracking cattle across the rugged landscape often led Rob to hidden spots like this, where newborn calves lay concealed in the tall grass.

A game-changing solution: Monil’s virtual fencing

In April 2024, Rob discovered Monil’s virtual fencing system, a technological solution that uses GPS and solar-powered collars to create invisible boundaries. With Monil, Rob tracks his livestock and rotates grazing areas without physical fences—a revolutionary change for his farm.

“The ability to track my cows and move grazing areas through an app has been a game-changer,” Rob explains. “I can now manage my land more efficiently and ensure my cattle stay within the areas I want them to be.”

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Improved efficiency and environmental benefits

One of the most significant benefits Rob has experienced with Monil is the improvement in pasture quality. With virtual fencing, Rob practices rotational grazing more effectively, allowing grass to regenerate and prevent overgrazing. This has also helped control bracken growth, an invasive plant that had been overtaking some of his best pastures.

“The bracken used to take over the most nutritious grazing areas,” Rob says. “Now, I can control where the cattle graze, and it’s made a huge difference.”

Rob was initially concerned about the battery life of the collars, especially during winter.

“I was worried about the battery life, especially during winter,” Rob notes. “So far the collars have been amazing—staying charged at 75-100%, even in these tough conditions.”

The improved rotational grazing allows Rob to guide his herd to optimal grazing spots while protecting the land's natural resources.

More time, less stress

Monil is proud to help Rob reclaim valuable time to focus on the causes and initiatives that ignite his passion.

Instead of hours spent walking the island, Rob now knows exactly where his cows are, even when tucked away in hard-to-reach spots.

“It’s saved me so much time,” Rob says. “I know when the cows are calving and where they are. It’s taken a lot of stress off my shoulders.”

With more time on his hands, Rob can now focus on what matters most.

A partnership built on innovation

Like all farmers, Rob Wainwright is a person who passionate and caring. He cares about his family, his community, sustainability, and, yes, his herd. He checks in with Monil regularly on how the product is doing in the fields and how it can be improved. And Monil is listening.

“Working with Monil has been fantastic. They listen to their customers and are always looking for ways to improve the system,” Rob says.

From Monil, the feeling is mutual. Monil representative Oliver has had close communication with Rob and says: “Rob is a very curious, reflective, and generous person. Working with him has been enriching; we have learned much this season.”

Looking ahead, Rob is excited to continue using Monil’s virtual fencing to enhance the efficiency of his farm while maintaining a strong commitment to biodiversity and sustainable farming.


Want to see more unfiltered stories from Rob’s life?

Visit the 'Rob Wainwright Cliad Farm' Facebook profile, where Rob shares insights into island life, farming, and livestock.


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Last Updated 10/17/2024