Privacy Policy

Last updated: 2024.02.29


Processing of Personal Data in Monil

When you use our website or any of our products, software or services Monil, we will process your personal data. Below you will find information regarding which type of personal data that is being collected, the purposes of and reasons why we collect the data and your rights regarding the processing of your personal data.

The controller of the personal data we process is CEO of Monil AS Torstein Nesse.

Contact information for Monil is:

Address: Strandveien 33, 1366 Lysaker


Organization number: 928 704 823

For queries or questions regarding our processing of your personal data, you may contact (


The purposes of our data collection and what types of data we collect

Monil provides Internet-enabled devices (our “Devices”) that are designed to monitor the position and behavior of livestock where they may be at any time. We also provide a mobile application (our “App”) and/or a web dashboard (“Dashboard”) that is designed to work in tandem with our Devices to provide you with information on the position and activities of the animals, managing available grazing areas for the animals, and seeing positional data from the user’s mobile device. We provide a service through the App and/or Dashboard that is designed to provide you with an animal overview and management for animals on which our devices are mounted (our “Service”). To enjoy the full functionality of our Service, we require that you set up an account. In addition, our Service might include notifications and warnings on the behavior of your livestock.

We collect and process your personal data for various purposes depending on who you are and how we get in touch with you. We collect the following personal data for the purposes mentioned below:


Disclosure of Personal Data to Others

Except as described above, we do not disclose your personal data to others unless there is a legal obligation for such disclosure. Examples as to the basis for disclosure could typically be a contract with you or legal basis in the law instructing us to provide the information.

Monil uses data processors to collect, store, or in other ways process data on our behalf. In such cases, we have concluded data processing agreements to ensure information security in all segments of the data processing.

We currently use the following data processors:

  • Amazon (Amazon Web Services). Data about you is processed by Amazon to provide customer support, handling your user account and handling the name, location and sensor data of your device. The processing is required for us to provide the Service to you and also based on our legitimate commercial interest in processing these data for this purpose.
  • Data about you is processed by Slack to gather account data and information about your use of the Services to troubleshoot and manage customer service issues. The processing is based on our legitimate commercial interest in processing these data for this purpose.
  • Data about you is processed by Hubspot to provide you with our newsletter. The processing is based on our legitimate commercial interest in processing these data for this purpose.
  • Google (Google Workspace). Used as Monil’s email provider and document storage. Data about you will be processed here when you contact Monil for general communication and support.

Your personal data might be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (third countries) to provide you services and where we use subcontractors. We always make sure that appropriate and suitable safeguards compliant with applicable laws are in place to protect your personal data.

Transfer to third countries will be protected by appropriate safeguards, namely the use of standard data protection clauses adopted or approved by the European Commission.


Storage and Retention Period

We only store your personal data for as long as necessary for the purpose the data was collected for.

This means that personal data collection based on your consent will be deleted if you withdraw your consent unless we are required to retain all or part of the data under applicable law. Data processed for the purpose of our newsletter will for instance be deleted after the withdrawal of your consent.

Personal data we process in the performance of a contract with you will be deleted when the contract is implemented and all obligations pursuant to the contract have been implemented. Personal data related to your user account, including location data, is retained until you delete your account, after such time the data is aggregated and may be stored for up to five years. Personal data related to shipment of packages is deleted after 2 years of the last shipping date and then aggregated and stored for up to five years.


Your rights when we process your personal data

You have the right – partly under certain conditions:

  • to request information (i.e., the “right to know”) about the processing of your data free of charge, as well as the receipt of a copy of your personal data. You can request information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data being processed, our business purpose(s) for using that data, the recipients of the data (if they are passed on and whether that could be considered a sale of data), the duration of the storage or the criteria for determining the duration;
  • to correct your data. Should your personal data be incomplete, you have the right to complete the data, taking into account the processing purposes;
  • to delete or block your data. Reasons for the existence of a cancellation/blocking right can be, among others, the revocation of the consent on which the processing is based, the data subject objects to the processing, the personal data were processed unlawfully;
  • to restrict the processing;
  • to object the processing of your data;
  • to revoke your consent to the processing of your data in the future, and;
  • to complain to the competent supervisory authority about inadmissible data processing. You can read more about the extent of your rights in the web pages of the Norwegian Data Protection Authority:

To assert your rights, we ask that you do so by logging into your account. If you do not have an account with us, or the account process is not functioning for some reason, please contact us through We will answer your request as soon as possible.

You can always withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data. The easiest manner to withdraw your consent is to contact us through



The security of your information is important to us. We have implemented reasonable security measures to protect the information, both during transmission and once it is received. This includes but is not limited to the use of firewalls and encryption. No method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure; therefore, while the company strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect your information, it cannot guarantee absolute security.


Children's Privacy

Our Devices and Services are designed for those 18 years of age and older. We do not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 18. If the company is made aware that it has received personal data from someone under 18, it will use reasonable efforts to remove that information from its records.



If your opinion is that our processing of your personal data is not in compliance with the described manner here or in other ways not in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, (GDPR), you can file a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet).

You can find information about how to contact the Norwegian Data Protection Authority on the web pages of the Authority:

We use Norway's Norwegian Data Protection/Supervisory Authority as the leading supervisory authority for cross-border processing under GDPR Article 56. You can therefore direct any cross-border complaint to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority:



If there should be a change in our services or a change in the regulation regarding the processing of personal data, this can cause changes in the information given in this notice. In all cases, updated information will always be easily accessible on our web pages.