Monil and animal welfare

Read more about Monil and animal welfare at this page.

At Monil, we believe that good animal welfare is essential for sustainable food production, and it’s all about giving animals the best possible life. That’s why we develop technology that helps farmers create optimal grazing conditions and monitor their animals effectively.

The Five Freedoms for animals

Our approach to animal welfare is based on the Five Freedoms:

  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst
  2. Freedom from discomfort
  3. Freedom from pain, injury, and disease
  4. Freedom to express natural behavior
  5. Freedom from fear and distress

Pasture-based livestock farming

We believe that animals thrive best when they are out on pasture. In natural surroundings, they can express their natural behavior, move freely, and find their own food. Monil helps farmers make the most of their grazing areas, ensuring better access to grass for the animals while optimizing pasture use.

Smart collars – better monitoring

Monil collars allow farmers to monitor their animals without needing to be physically present at all times. The collars provide valuable insights into the animals’ location, movement, and overall well-being. However, technology will never replace the farmer’s responsibility—it is simply there to make the job easier.

Virtual fences and electric signals

Our collars use sound signals to teach animals where the fence boundaries are. If they do not turn back at the sound, they receive a short electric pulse. The goal is for animals to quickly learn to respond to the sound alone, so the electric pulse can be avoided.

Monil's virtual fences work by first giving the animals an audio signal lasting up to 7 seconds. If the animal does not turn around within this time, it will receive an electric shock. This sequence is repeated up to three times if the animal does not return to the fence area. After this, no further signals or shocks will be given, even if the animal remains outside the fence.


The system is designed with strict safety mechanisms, ensuring that no one can manually trigger a pulse.

See how a Monil cow reacts on the sound cue:

At Monil, we are committed to a future where technology and animal welfare go hand in hand. When animals thrive, so do farmers—and that’s exactly what we work for every day.

Last Updated 3/20/2025